formation sur les véhicules électriques Evccat logicat launch Grup eina

This is an initiative that will certainly boost, but above all further professionalize the automotive repair sector, especially that of the new generation which requires mastery of new technologies. It is in this context that Logicat Launch Grup Eina invests in providing training for the benefit of actors in this field.

Thus the European leader in training and technological innovation for the automotive repair sector, Grup Eina, is organizing in partnership with Logicat Launch four days of training from May 22 to 25 at several sites in Morocco, namely: Marrakech, Casablanca, Fes, Tangier. According to the two promoters, the program will cover electric, hybrid and PHEV vehicles, as well as the maintenance and repair of the electronic and electrical components of these vehicles.

For Logicat Launch and Grup Eina, this initiative aims to help professionals refine their skills in the diagnosis, repair and maintenance of electric and hybrid vehicles. In a press release, published for this purpose, the program will focus on priority areas, namely: safety and electrical risks, vehicle propulsion, battery and charging.

To understand the scope of this program, it should be noted that Logicat Launch is the main distributor of garage equipment dedicated exclusively to automotive professionals wishing to improve their daily lives, their customer’s experience and of course their turnover. . The company, led by Mr. Boukili Badr, was created in 2018 in Montpellier France. As part of a local policy, it inaugurated its first showroom in Casablanca in January 2023.

This is an initiative that will certainly boost, but above all further professionalize the automotive repair sector, especially that of the new generation which requires mastery of new technologies. It is in this context that Logicat Launch Grup Eina invests in providing training for the benefit of actors in this field.

Thus the European leader in training and technological innovation for the automotive repair sector, Grup Eina, is organizing in partnership with Logicat Launch four days of training from May 22 to 25 at several sites in Morocco, namely: Marrakech, Casablanca, Fes, Tangier. According to the two promoters, the program will cover electric, hybrid and PHEV vehicles, as well as the maintenance and repair of the electronic and electrical components of these vehicles.

For Logicat Launch and Grup Eina, this initiative aims to help professionals refine their skills in the diagnosis, repair and maintenance of electric and hybrid vehicles. In a press release, published for this purpose, the program will focus on priority areas, namely: safety and electrical risks, vehicle propulsion, battery and charging.

To understand the scope of this program, it should be noted that Logicat Launch is the main distributor of garage equipment dedicated exclusively to automotive professionals wishing to improve their daily lives, their customer’s experience and of course their turnover.

The company, led by Mr. Boukili Badr, was created in 2018 in Montpellier France. As part of a local policy, it inaugurated its first showroom in Casablanca in January 2023.

Source: https://www.archyde.com/grup-eina-launches-four-day-electric-and-hybrid-vehicle-repair-training-in-morocco-in-partnership-with-logicat-launch/

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